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 美國國家牙醫執照考照 專案介紹

 四、美國國家牙醫師考試 Part 2 介紹



Part2 考試五步驟:

1)   了解國家牙醫師考試內容 Part 2。

2)   向美國牙醫協會申請一個專屬 ID 叫 DENTPIN。非美國 CODA 學校畢業的,需要將牙醫系的畢業證 書和成績單寄到 ECE 認證公司做認證,費用 100~300USD 不等,作業處理速度越快,費用越貴。

3)   如果牙醫師協會接受考生的申請,會以 Email 通知考生,考生就可以上網安排時間考試 (Prometric Test Center),但不能預約超過 12 個月的考試,考試費用 390USD。(整年都有考試,如同托福電腦 考試一樣)

4)   於預約的時間到考場 (Prometric Test Center)  考試,台灣、香港或大陸最近的考場為關島。

5)   大約四週左右會收到成績單以及考試合格證明。



Part2 考試介紹:

Part2 考試 400 題選擇題混合分佈在以下 9 個範圍:

1)   Endodontics

2)   Operative Dentistry

3)   Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

4)   Oral Diagnosis

5)   Orthodontics-Pediatric Dentistry

6)   Patient Management

7)   Periodontics

8)   Pharmacology

9)   Prosthodontics

另外 100 題是個案問題,與病患個案有關,其中 70%是成人相關的,30%是小孩相關的。

  如果沒有通過,可以在任何時間申請重考,但在 90 天後才可以

  重考,重考 2 次仍沒過的話,就要等一年才能再提出申請。


青年學子前程發展規劃(CDP): Inner_about



Completion: Completion-type items require the correct completion of a concept or idea. The area of the tooth that is the most sensitive to cavity preparation is the

A. dentin.


B. enamel.

C. cementum.


D. cemontoenamel junction


E. Dentoenamel junction



Question: Question-type items communicate a problem or set of circumstances. Which of the following has the potential for undergoing spontaneous malignant transformation?

A. Osteomalacia


B. Albright's syndrome


C. Paget's disease of bone


D. Osteogenesis imperfecta


E. Von Recklinghausen disease of bone



Negative: A negative item is characterized by a word such as EXCEPT or NOT in the stem. These key words are capitalized to help candidates determine the correct answer.

Each of the following drugs is appropriate for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia EXCEPT


one. Which one is the EXCEPTION?


A. Phenytoin

B. Lidocaine


C. Quinidine


D. Propranolol


E. Epinephrine



Paired True-False: The only portion of a paired true-false examination item that varies is the stem. The stem consists of two sentences on the same topic.

In health, bone is constantly undergoing resorption and formation. In periodontitis, only bone resorption occurs.

A. Both statements are true.


B. Both statements are false.

C. The first statement is true, the second is false.


D. The first statement is false, the second is true.



Cause-and-Effect: The only portion of a cause-and-effect test item that varies is the stem. The stem consists of a statement and a reason. These are written as a single sentence and are connected by because.




A traumatic injury can cause the pulp space to calcify, because the accident can trigger odontoclasts into accelerated activity.

A. Both the statement and the reason are correct and related.


B. Both the statement and the reason are correct but NOT related.


C. The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT.

D. The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct.


E. NEITHER the statement NOR the reason is correct.



The ordering format requires ranking or sequencing the steps, processes, or procedures presented in the test item.

Order the act of chewing and swallowing. Match each letter with its proper sequence number.


1.      A. Bolus moves from fauces to esophagus


2.      B. Bolus contacts incisors


3.      C. Bolus moves from mouth to fauces


4.      D. Mouth, lips, tongue estimate size of bolus


5.      E. Bolus moves from esophagus to stomach


6.      F. Orofacial receptors stimulated to control mastication



Multiple Correct/Multiple Response


The multiple response format is appropriate for determining what characteristics are associated with a particular disease, drug, treatment plan, etc. (i.e. symptoms of a disease, side effects of a drug, steps of a treatment plan).

From the following list select the three items associated with candidiasis.


A. Small blisters

B. Fungal in nature


C. Dyspareunia


D. Tinea pedis

E. Bacterial in nature


F. Parasitic in nature


G. Bruxism

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